We have the highest standards for quality, safety and sustainability
Our company A2B has implemented and certified an integrated management system – ISM, which meets the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 45001:2018 and ISO 27001:2022.
Our priority is to establish and maintain high standards in the areas of quality, environmental sustainability, health and information security.
We have an established and certified integrated management system which is audited annually by an independent audit company. To meet our quality assurance obligations, we are committed to meeting requirements based on the international standard ISO 9001:2015. To increase environmental awareness and behaviour, to ensure the sustainability of the environment and to preserve it for future generations, we have incorporated the principles of the standard ISO 14001:2015 into our operations. We are fully aware of our share of responsibility for the health and safety of ourselves, our employees and our partners in the performance of our work and achieving our objectives. We maintain our OSH policy in accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO 45001:2018. At the turn of 2018 and 2019, our company extended its integrated management system to include an information security system in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022.
We also hold an industrial safety certificate issued by the National Security Authority.
We have obtained authorisations from the Technical Inspection Authority for the manufacture, professional inspections, professional tests, repairs, maintenance, reconstruction and installation of electrical technical equipment with a voltage of up to 1,000 V.
In 2021, we obtained registration for the installation of designated measuring instruments (electric meters) from the Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic.

EU projects
The programme provides important information necessary for carrying out work under the expert guidance of both internal and external trainers and lecturers.
We realize that the future of any successful company is built on quality and people’s satisfaction. An essential and inseparable part of the company’s progress is the education and development of its employees.
The global Covid-19 pandemic affected almost all entities operating in the Slovak Republic as well as entities beyond its borders. The pandemic also affected us and our employees, and therefore it was necessary to respond to the need to improve and expand the skills of employees for the performance of work activities.
The company A2B, s.r.o. joined the Human Resources Operational Programme, provided by the European Union from the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. The Human Resources Operational Programme addresses the issue of remedying the consequences of this crisis and, under the expert guidance of both internal and external trainers and lecturers, provides employees with opportunities to improve their skills and also helps to increase their resilience to cope with similar crisis situations in the future. It deepens the knowledge, skills and competences already acquired and provides the necessary basis for their further development.
Thanks to support from the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund under the Human Resources Operational Programme, the company has implemented Skills Development Project of the employees of the company A2B.
Funded as part of the European Union’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic (REACT-EU, priority axis 8).
DOP Development of skills of A2B employees
Thanks to support from the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund within the Operational Program Human Resources, A2B is implementing the project
A2B employee skills development.
Project type: Demand-driven project
ITMS2014 project code : 312081CKG7
ZonFP code: NFP312080CKG7
ITMS2014 project code : 312081CKG7
Call: OPĽZ-DOP-2022/8.1.1/RO-01 – Development of skills to support the labor market
Place of project implementation: Žilina
Project duration: 12/2022 – 11/2023
Non-refundable financial contribution from the resources of the European Social Fund (ESF) within the Operational Program Human Resources:
EUR 188,562.78 (100% of total eligible project expenses)
Number of employees involved: 59 (51 men and 8 women)
The result of the project – the number of successful graduates who were awarded a certificate: 53 (of which 46 men and 7 women)
Project goal:
The goal of the project is to increase the professional focus of our own professional employees on individual job positions and their involvement in new work organization, technological procedures and digitization, to ensure their stabilization, professional development, and thus to ensure the maintenance and further expansion of the activity. The implementation of the project will also develop the applicant’s business and competitiveness, after the impact of Covid-19 on both domestic and foreign markets.